This is a link to a picture of a CD cover "Music is from Venus". This CD cover depicts three different types of successful women: an astronaut holding a keyboard, an artist holding a guitar and a microphone, and a mother holding a child that has drum sticks. The portrayal that all of these women have the ability to be musicians is an important statement to make. All of these women have been successful in some capacity and can also be musical. I believe this statement says women can really do anything, and shouldn’t be looked down upon because they do music. Even though society doesn’t always look at women who are musicians as prostitutes, this would have been a nice political statement to make when this was a relevant idea. It is nice to see a change in how women musicians are being viewed. However, all of these women are projected with a similar body type: small waists and distinguished features. This portrays all successful women as being the societal ideal of beautiful. Even this women empowerment CD cover is marketing the “sexy” woman, not a real life woman who may not have the perfect curves. It gives off the idea of a successful woman who wants to be a musician must have the “perfect figure” to enter this world to music.

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